Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Physio, planning and perspective

Well I don't want to turn this into a training log so I won't rattle off a bunch of stuff I've been (not been) doing.  If I look at my training the volume is good but I wonder if I have making the most of my time.  Perhaps I'm just feeling sorry for myself because I had too much to drink over the weekend or maybe it has been the niggles I've been getting with my legs.

I went to the physio tonight who took a look at my stride.  I've been going to see him for a few sessions now and the original shin splints is better.  My right shin doesn't have pain now and the left is much better.  I have however been getting pain in my right achillies.  So much so it gets tight and I can't really carry on running.  I had though that this maybe down to shoes and that was my physios first guess, but we looked at my arches and I don't seem to have much control over them.  I'm sat trying to do some exercises for them now but it takes so much concentration.  He has also given me some exercises to strengthen and stretch my calves by lower them over a step.  I'm gonna have to cut this short because I can't bloody write whilst trying to do these arch exercises, especially on my weaker right side.

I've got the wolf run this week and its a shorter week with the bank holiday.  I want to try and get 3 runs in, 6km in pool and a couple of bike sessions but maybe optimistic!