Friday, July 9, 2010

Waiting for a build....

I'm conscious of the fact I haven't blogged for what seems a while, I'm at work waiting for my software to compile so I've got chance to put a few thoughts down.  I've been feeling like my running has been lacking a little recently and I've been doing trad climbing more and hence not pushing myself as physically hard, this coupled with the fact that I feel like I've been eating too much (portions and red meat in BBQ's) and I've been feeling a little blue.  I went to the AlpKit Big Shake Out as I mentioned in my previous blog and I intend to put some pics up from the the final of round 6 of the ISCF World Bouldering Comp later when I get chance.  I drank quite  a bit of booze (not getting hammered or anything but too much none the less) over the weekend and felt aweful early week with a bad stomach.  I tried climbing at Ippikins with the club and did crap which got me down even more.  I decided that I needed to kick it in to touch and did a duathlon in the gym.  I was aiming for 10k run, 20k bike and 5km run but didn't have time so settled for 4.1 mile run, 10km bike and 5km run which I did in under 1:30 and blew the cobwebs away.  I got cramp on the treadmill on the second running session but ran through it and since my calf has been a little tender but its nothing serious.  I exercised the following lunchtime by doing a mile run, a mile cross train and a mile on the bike.  Nothing serious but a good stretch.  I then met Daz and his mate at Newport for some Bouldering which wasn't bad but I haven't progressed at all - I need to get on it a little more really.

I'm hoping to get some cardio of some form tonight, perhaps a run or swim but I've got some other things I need to do too.  It's only a week until the Alps and after 2 hard days of training I don't feel quite so frumpy as after the weekend.  Maybe it's in my head?  I've been looking at the Ultra Running Man book which a friend lent me.  It's getting me inspired again.  I think I will start a weights program when I return from the Alps and get a finger board too.  I also had a go on the AlpKit FigFours at the Cliffhanger festival and I'm definitately going to buy a pair when I return.  

Alpkit FigFours

I've got plans to up my mileage (with a plan to run an ultra event hopefully - well trott).  For now I can't look at any more Alps stuff, it's getting kind of boring - I just want to do it!  Bored of pictures, stories, routes, books etc.

The compiles finished...... photos of the ISCF Bouldering Comp soon :)

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