Thursday, May 27, 2010

Crazy midnight runs in the Malverns!

I've been busting to get out and do a run along the Malvern ridge which I make to be between 8-9 miles long so a 16-18 mile round trip.  I decided that on Wednesday given the lack of midweek races I'd head over after work.  I got stuck behind at work until late and when I checked my forerunner I hadn't loaded the route as I thought so I got my laptop out.  Unfortunately technical difficulties (along with the working late) I didn't leave the office until around 9pm and so arrived at Malvern around 10pm!  I donned my Myo RXP head torch and headed off.  I quickly found that not using a route you've made yourself and not having a map can cause you a right headache!  I did a lot of faffing around climbing up bits of rock and through brambles trying to get to the path on the route.  Lots of wasted time but eventually I got going.  The running was quite good although I had to keep stopping, but there was 2136ft of climbing!  All in all I felt good but a bit dissapointed about the navigation.  The fact it was very foggy after the rain didn't help!  The view from the top is beautiful at night albeit cold and very windy!

My best friend the Forerunner 305 with the town of Malvern illuminated below in the background.

Whilst running back I got lost some more and was getting a bit sleepy and tired (it was around midnight!) and stumbled and tripped and took a roll!  I gave myself a rollocking and tried to pay more attention.  I peeled off and headed where I thought best which got me lost a bit more!  I eventually made it back to the car at 12:45!  I was happy to be in bed by 2am (and on a school night!)  The running times were mucked up by the nav and terrain but I felt strong running up the hills :)  I can't wait to get back and have a go in the light next time!

1 comment:

  1. well done keep up the good work if you ever fancy a trail on the mountain bijke let me know
